How to Buy Furniture and Applicances

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checking quality, finding a good price, checking the size, how to move it in, furniture appliance calculator

Quality, Price Tag and Value


Sometimes quality is reflected in the cost but expensive name-brand products are not always the best choice. Manufacturers may make the outside of the product look great but use poor quality materials on the inside (the invisible parts). Sofas for example, may be covered with quality fabric and feel great in the showroom, but wear out within a year or two of use. It is always a good idea to look up the product and manufacturer online to see if there are consumer reviews for the item you want to buy.


The quality of an appliance is often related to its price tag. Many cheaper appliances today are not made to be easily repairable, and fixing a problem can be as costly as buying a new unit, so that people are more likely to buy a new item and dispose of or recycle the old one. Online ratings for appliances are very valuable, because in this case, it is best to look beyond the price tag and find a quality product that will last a long time.


Shopping for new furniture and appliances is much like shopping for a car—the price tags are there to set a starting point so that the vendor can sell it for a special, low price to attract buyers. Large items like fridges, stoves, washers and dryers, couches and dining sets are often marked down. If not, then there is room for bargaining—a good strategy but when it comes to larger purchases, start an offer as half the price, and deal from there.


In order to buy furniture or appliances, it is always best to save the funds in advance, but if you're short of savings, a small loan from your bank to buy a quality item that will last is a reasonable option.

Financing directly from a store is less advisable for two reasons:

  1. Stores charge higher interest rates than banks.
  2. A “no interest” promotion for “X number of months” is very costly if you exceed the interest-free period—interest is charged on the total unpaid amount from day one of the sale and at a very high percentage.

Cancellation/Return Policy

Even the best laid-out plans fall through occasionally. You may find you can’t follow through with a purchase even though the paper work is finished. Before signing, always find out if there are penalties for cancelling a purchase contract and ask what kind of return policy is in place if the item doesn’t meet your expectations.

Moving and delivery

Deliveries of large items can cause damage not only to the item but to your property as well. Any potential issues should be addressed in the moving contract. For example, if you have had to miss a day of work to receive a delivery that doesn’t arrive, there may be compensation. The same goes for damages to property.

Save money by planning ahead!

Measure first. The item you want to purchase might not fit easily into its place, so measure doorways, hallways, stairways, gates or any other obstacle that must be moved through. Will the item be able to take corners? Can it be moved easily upstairs? Will gardens be in the way? Check the route needed to put the item in place.
Check specifications. Make sure that all plumbing and/or electrical connections can be made properly—are pipes and hoses and cords the right length? If simple changes can be made or extra pieces (for example hoses for a washing machine) are needed, make sure all parts or changes are made before the move happens.