- open a dedicated account at your bank for the VIA
- there needs to be about 10% of your after taxes in the account
- if you have funds available put them in there or else save a bit each month until you have 10%
- then you can start using the app
- click on ‘+ Adjust Income’ then click on ‘Deposit to VIA Account and put in the amount box how much is in the VIA bank account, click ‘Adjust Income’ – now the app has some funds to work with
- when you do your budget fill in all of the after-tax income
- then click on ‘+ Adjust Income’ box and a drop down will appear
- the box has a line ‘Difference between Actual and Target Income with a value
- the value is the difference that will help you even out the monthly cash flow
- when you have lots of income you can add some to the account, when you have little income you can take from the account. You’ll have to learn by experience how much you can withdraw or deposit and it changes as the account grows.
- If the value is positive, deposit some of your income into the VIA account
- If the value is negative, withdraw some of the funds from the Via account to top up your monthly income