How can I set up a savings planner for a big vacation?
Primary tabs
Secondary tabs
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How can I set up a savings planner for a big vacation?
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<p> The budget has excellent planners set up to handle most of the regular big-ticket items.</p> <p> In each case, simply scroll down to your blue savings section and click on ‘+ADD’</p> <p> choose a Planner from the drop-down list.</p> <ul> <li> The targeted savings planners have 3 sections: the title block area, contributions and expenses</li> <li> Fill in the title, then fill out the expenses section. </li> <li> The sum of all expenses will be summed up to your savings goal amount.</li> <li> Save the Goal.</li> </ul> <p> The savings goal page will show up indicating that the goal has been started and how much the monthly savings needs to be. It will also automatically add that amount into the budget once saved. If you wish to change the amount, click on the savings goal and change the amount.</p> <p> If you don’t like the way this feature works please let us know by sending us a comment.</p> <p> The new savings goal will appear in the your budget's savings sections.It will show up in <a href="/my-dashboard">your dashboard</a> as well.</p> <p> </p>
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<p> The budget has excellent planners set up to handle most of the regular big-ticket items.</p> <p> In each case, simply scroll down to your blue savings section and click on ‘+ADD’</p> <p> choose a Planner from the drop-down list.</p> <ul><li> The targeted savings planners have 3 sections: the title block area, contributions and expenses</li> <li> Fill in the title, then fill out the expenses section. </li> <li> The sum of all expenses will be summed up to your savings goal amount.</li> <li> Save the Goal.</li> </ul><p> The savings goal page will show up indicating that the goal has been started and how much the monthly savings needs to be. It will also automatically add that amount into the budget once saved. If you wish to change the amount, click on the savings goal and change the amount.</p> <p> If you don’t like the way this feature works please let us know by sending us a comment.</p> <p> The new savings goal will appear in the your budget's savings sections.It will show up in <a href="/my-dashboard">your dashboard</a> as well.</p> <p> </p>
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value (String, 1141 characters ) <p> The budget has excellent planners set up ...
<p> The budget has excellent planners set up to handle most of the regular big-ticket items.</p> <p> In each case, simply scroll down to your blue savings section and click on ‘+ADD’</p> <p> choose a Planner from the drop-down list.</p> <ul> <li> The targeted savings planners have 3 sections: the title block area, contributions and expenses</li> <li> Fill in the title, then fill out the expenses section. </li> <li> The sum of all expenses will be summed up to your savings goal amount.</li> <li> Save the Goal.</li> </ul> <p> The savings goal page will show up indicating that the goal has been started and how much the monthly savings needs to be. It will also automatically add that amount into the budget once saved. If you wish to change the amount, click on the savings goal and change the amount.</p> <p> If you don’t like the way this feature works please let us know by sending us a comment.</p> <p> The new savings goal will appear in the your budget's savings sections.It will show up in <a href="/my-dashboard">your dashboard</a> as well.</p> <p> </p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 9 characters ) full_html
safe_value (String, 1089 characters ) <p> The budget has excellent planners set up t...
<p> The budget has excellent planners set up to handle most of the regular big-ticket items.</p> <p> In each case, simply scroll down to your blue savings section and click on ‘+ADD’</p> <p> choose a Planner from the drop-down list.</p> <ul><li> The targeted savings planners have 3 sections: the title block area, contributions and expenses</li> <li> Fill in the title, then fill out the expenses section. </li> <li> The sum of all expenses will be summed up to your savings goal amount.</li> <li> Save the Goal.</li> </ul><p> The savings goal page will show up indicating that the goal has been started and how much the monthly savings needs to be. It will also automatically add that amount into the budget once saved. If you wish to change the amount, click on the savings goal and change the amount.</p> <p> If you don’t like the way this feature works please let us know by sending us a comment.</p> <p> The new savings goal will appear in the your budget's savings sections.It will show up in <a href="/my-dashboard">your dashboard</a> as well.</p> <p> </p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
#formatter (String, 12 characters ) text_default
0 (Array, 1 element)
#markup (String, 1089 characters ) <p> The budget has excellent planners set up t...
<p> The budget has excellent planners set up to handle most of the regular big-ticket items.</p> <p> In each case, simply scroll down to your blue savings section and click on ‘+ADD’</p> <p> choose a Planner from the drop-down list.</p> <ul><li> The targeted savings planners have 3 sections: the title block area, contributions and expenses</li> <li> Fill in the title, then fill out the expenses section. </li> <li> The sum of all expenses will be summed up to your savings goal amount.</li> <li> Save the Goal.</li> </ul><p> The savings goal page will show up indicating that the goal has been started and how much the monthly savings needs to be. It will also automatically add that amount into the budget once saved. If you wish to change the amount, click on the savings goal and change the amount.</p> <p> If you don’t like the way this feature works please let us know by sending us a comment.</p> <p> The new savings goal will appear in the your budget's savings sections.It will show up in <a href="/my-dashboard">your dashboard</a> as well.</p> <p> </p>
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#language (String, 2 characters ) en
Krumo version 0.2.1a